SN 35.147 (S iv 133)
Aniccanibbānasappāya Sutta
— The [perception] of impermanence suitable for Nibbāna —

Here are hardcore vipassanā instructions dealing with the perception of impermanence for advanced meditators who are looking forward to attaining Nibbāna.

Note: info·bubbles on every Pali word



nibbāna·sappāyaṃ vo, bhikkhave, paṭipadaṃ desessāmi. taṃ suṇātha, sādhukaṃ manasi karotha; bhāsissāmi. katamā ca , bhikkhave, nibbāna·sappāyā paṭipadā?

I will show you, bhikkhus, the method which is suitable for Nibbāna. Listen to that and pay close attention, I will speak. And what, bhikkhus, is that method which is suitable for Nibbāna?

idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu 'cakkhuaniccan'ti passati, 'rūpā aniccā'ti passati, 'cakkhu·viññāṇaaniccan'ti passati, 'cakkhu·samphasso anicco'ti passati, yam·p·idaṃ cakkhu·samphassa·paccayā uppajjati vedayitaṃ sukha dukkha adukkham·a·sukha tam·pi aniccan'ti passati.

Here, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu understands: 'the eye is impermanent', he understands: '(visible) forms are impermanent', he understands: 'eye-consciousness is impermanent', he understands: 'eye-contact is impermanent',{1} he understands: 'whatever arises on account of eye-contact, whether it is felt as pleasant, unpleasant or neutral, that also is impermanent'.

'sotaṃ aniccā'ti passati, 'saddā aniccā'ti passati, 'sota·viññāṇaaniccan'ti passati, 'sota·samphasso anicco'ti passati, 'yam·p·idaṃ sota·samphassa·paccayā uppajjati vedayitaṃ sukha dukkha adukkham·a·sukha tam·pi aniccan'ti passati.

He understands: 'the ear is impermanent', he understands: 'sounds are impermanent', he understands: 'ear-consciousness is impermanent', he understands: 'ear-contact is impermanent', he understands: 'whatever arises on account of ear-contact, whether it is felt as pleasant, unpleasant or neutral, that also is impermanent'.

'ghāṇaṃ aniccā'ti passati, 'gandhā aniccā'ti passati, 'ghāṇa·viññāṇaaniccan'ti passati, 'ghāṇa·samphasso anicco'ti passati, 'yam·p·idaṃ ghāṇa·samphassa·paccayā uppajjati vedayitaṃ sukha dukkha adukkham·a·sukha tam·pi aniccan'ti passati.

He understands: 'the nose is impermanent', he understands: 'smells are impermanent', he understands: 'nose-consciousness is impermanent', he understands: 'nose-contact is impermanent', he understands: 'whatever arises on account of nose-contact, whether it is felt as pleasant, unpleasant or neutral, that also is impermanent'.

'jivhā aniccā'ti passati, 'rasā aniccā'ti passati, 'jivhā·viññāṇaaniccan'ti passati, 'jivhā·samphasso anicco'ti passati, 'yam·p·idaṃ jivhā·samphassa·paccayā uppajjati vedayitaṃ sukha dukkha adukkham·a·sukha tam·pi aniccan'ti passati.

He understands: 'the tongue is impermanent', he understands: 'tastes are impermanent', he understands: 'tongue-consciousness is impermanent', he understands: 'tongue-contact is impermanent', he understands: 'whatever arises on account of tongue-contact, whether it is felt as pleasant, unpleasant or neutral, that also is impermanent'.

'kāyo aniccā'ti passati, 'phoṭṭhabbā aniccā'ti passati, 'kāya·viññāṇaaniccan'ti passati, 'kāya·samphasso anicco'ti passati, 'yam·p·idaṃ kāya·samphassa·paccayā uppajjati vedayitaṃ sukha dukkha adukkham·a·sukha tam·pi aniccan'ti passati.

He understands: 'the body is impermanent', he understands: 'bodily phenomena are impermanent', he understands: 'body-consciousness is impermanent', he understands: 'body-contact is impermanent', he understands: 'whatever arises on account of body-contact, whether it is felt as pleasant, unpleasant or neutral, that also is impermanent'.

'mano anicco'ti passati, 'dhammā aniccā'ti passati, 'mano·viññāṇaaniccan'ti passati, 'mano·samphasso anicco'ti passati, 'yam·p·idaṃ mano·samphassa·paccayā uppajjati vedayitaṃ sukha dukkha adukkham·a·sukha tam·pi aniccan'ti passati.

He understands: 'the mind is impermanent', he understands: 'mental phenomena are impermanent', he understands: 'mind-consciousness is impermanent', he understands: 'mind-contact is impermanent', he understands: 'whatever arises on account of mind-contact, whether it is felt as pleasant, unpleasant or neutral, that also is impermanent'.

ayaṃ kho , bhikkhave, nibbāna·sappāyā paṭipadā ti.

This, bhikkhus, is that method which is suitable for Nibbāna.

Bodhi leaf


1. the eye.. forms.. eye-consciousness.. eye-contact: at SN 35.60, it is explained that eye-contact is the conjunction of the eye, forms and eye-consciousness.

Translation suggested by the webmaster.

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