SN 55.50 (S v 404)
Aṅga Sutta
— Factors —

The four sotāpattiyaṅgas (factors for stream-entry).

Note: info·bubbles on every Pali word



Cattār·imāni, bhikkhave, sotāpatti·y·aṅgāni. Katamāni cattāri? Sappurisa·saṃsevo, saddhamma·s·savanaṃ, yoniso·manasikāro, dhamm·ānudhamma·p·paṭipatti. Imāni kho, bhikkhave, cattāri sotāpatti·y·aṅgānī ti.

These, bhikkhus, are the four factors for stream-entry. Which four? Association with good men, hearing the correct Dhamma, appropriate reflection and practice in accordance with the Dhamma. These, bhikkhus, are the four factors for stream-entry.

Bodhi leaf

Translation suggested by the webmaster.

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