— The short discourses —
[ khudda: short, small ]
[ khudda: short, small ]
The Khuddhaka Nikāya short texts and is considered as been composed of two stratas: Dhammapada, Udāna, Itivuttaka, Sutta Nipāta, Theragāthā-Therīgāthā and Jātaka form the ancient strata, while other books are late additions and their authenticity is more questionable.
- Khuddakapāṭha
- Dhammapada
- Udāna
- Itivuttaka
- Sutta Nipāta
- Vimānavatthu
- Petavatthu
- Theragāthā
- Therīgāthā
- Jātaka
- Niddesa
- Paṭisambhidā Magga
- Apadāna
- Buddhavaṃsa
- Cariyā Piṭaka
- Nettippakarana (only in Burmese edition)
- Peṭakopadesa (only in Burmese edition)
- Milindapañha (only in Burmese edition)